31 January 2008 (09:19) Volume of loans given by UniCreditBank to sole traders for 31 to 90 days goes down 96.03% in January-December 2007
31 January 2008 (09:17) Volume of loans given by Sverdlovsk Gubernskiy Bank to sole traders despite overdraft goes down 18.8% in January-December 2007
31 January 2008 (09:15) Rozhdestvenka’s share price drops 6.02% in January 2008
31 January 2008 (09:13) Troika Dialog -Dobrynya Nikitich’s share price goes down 12.78% in January 2008
31 January 2008 (09:11) Koltsovo airport no longer lends to Aviaprad, RENOVA says
31 January 2008 (09:09) Volume of loans given by Bank Uralsib to state-run for-profit organizations goes down 19.8% in January-December 2007
31 January 2008 (09:07) Accident at Sredneuralsky Copper Smelting caused by negligence, Rostechnadzor claims
31 January 2008 (09:05) Volume of loans given by Universal Bank to for-profit SROs for over 3 years goes down 35.69% in January-December 2007
31 January 2008 (09:03) Net assets of Sberbank’s Ural branch grow 1.5 times in 2007
31 January 2008 (09:01) Societe Generale's financial and reputation losses devaluate their stock capital, Blagodat Securities says
30 January 2008 (09:21) Volume of loans given by Perviy Respublikanskiy Bank to sole traders for 181 days to 1 year goes down 54.13% in January-December 2007
30 January 2008 (09:19) UBS recommends URSA Bank’s two bond issues
30 January 2008 (09:17) Societe Generale's ability to lower risks is doubted, Alexander Metzger says
30 January 2008 (09:15) We use own funds to expand business, Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development says
30 January 2008 (09:13) Share price of BCS Blue Chip Fund goes down 9.15% in January 2008
30 January 2008 (09:11) Region’s Court of Arbitration to consider Koltsovo airport’s claim against Aviaprad on February 27, 2008
30 January 2008 (09:09) Uralmash Machine-Building Corporation ships second crane to India
30 January 2008 (09:07) ChTPZ Group has no plans to buy Khartsyzskiy Pipe Plant
30 January 2008 (09:05) Volume of state-run for-profit organizations’ deposits in Bank Uralsib valid for 91 to 180 days drops 76.36% in January-December 2007
30 January 2008 (09:03) Market is likely to improve soon, SKB-Bank says
29 January 2008 (09:25) Volume of loans given by Sverdlovsk Gubernskiy Bank to for-profit SROs for over 3 years goes down 81.52% in January-December 2007
29 January 2008 (09:23) Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s loan portfolio goes up 75% in 2007
29 January 2008 (09:21) Share price of BCS-Fund Index MICEX goes down 13.18% in January 2008
29 January 2008 (09:19) Vladimir Balabanov appointed Chairman of Ural Treasures Bank’s BOD
29 January 2008 (09:17) Federal Antimonopoly Service fines SverdlovEnergoSbyt
29 January 2008 (09:15) Nizhniy Tagil Iron & Steel Works wins in Environmental Security contest
29 January 2008 (09:09) Volume of loans given by VUZ Bank to sole traders for 31 to 90 days drops 85.78% in January-December 2007
29 January 2008 (09:07) Share price of BCS Oil and Petroleum Chemistry Fund drops 13.04% in January 2008
29 January 2008 (09:05) Volume of loans given by Bank24.ru to sole traders for 181 days to 1 year despite overdraft plummets 40.37% in January-December 2007
29 January 2008 (09:03) Aviaprad might close down
28 January 2008 (09:21) URSA Bank makes 238 million RUR worth of coupon payments
28 January 2008 (09:19) Bank of Russia registers SKB-Bank’s 2nd and 3d bond issues
28 January 2008 (09:17) Volume of loans given by UIC Bank to natural persons for 1 to 3 years goes down 75.98% in January-December 2007
28 January 2008 (09:15) It’s still hard to introduce ‘green light’ in Koltsovo airport, Ural Customs Administration says
28 January 2008 (09:13) Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development offers more fixed-term deposits
28 January 2008 (09:11) Troika Dialog Federalniy’s share price goes down 14.59% in January 2008
28 January 2008 (09:09) Sberbank of Russia’s Ural branch handles 10 billion RUR worth of BLITZ money orders in 2007
28 January 2008 (09:07) Sverdlovsk Region Railways can’t say they fight corruption
28 January 2008 (09:05) We got 70 claims against Russian Standard Bank in 2007, Rospotrebnadzor says
28 January 2008 (09:03) Law-enforcement agencies to inspect all car centers in Yekaterinburg
25 January 2008 (09:23) MMK Chairman Viktor Rashnikov signs contract on Prioskolskiy Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise
25 January 2008 (09:19) Volume of loans given by UralTransBank to natural persons for 31 to 90 days goes down 31.96% in January-December 2007
25 January 2008 (09:17) Profitability of Zvezdniy Bulvar drops 16.55% in January 2008
25 January 2008 (09:15) Profitability of LUKoil Fund First goes down 15.59% in January 2008
25 January 2008 (09:13) Liner Hotel no longer owned by Koltsovo airport
25 January 2008 (09:11) Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development triples securities market transactions in 2007
25 January 2008 (09:09) Net assets of Energy - Mixed Investments go down 2.56%
25 January 2008 (09:07) Volume of loans given by UniCreditBank to nongovernmental financial organizations for up to 30 days drops 15.04% in January-December 2007
25 January 2008 (09:05) Profitability of Blue Chip Fund goes down 5.24%
25 January 2008 (09:03) Karabashmed upgrades facilities
25 January 2008 (09:01) Most complaints come from customers of Autoland and Okami Motors, Yekaterinburg Consumer Rights Committee says
24 January 2008 (11:21) Copies of accounting records withdrawn from Krasnolesye car center
24 January 2008 (11:19) SKB-Bank proves Sverdlovsk Region’s most profitable bank in 2007
24 January 2008 (11:17) Profitability of Alfa Capital Shares goes down 5.42 %
24 January 2008 (11:15) Volume of loans given by SberInvestBank to for-profit SROs for 181 days to 1 year goes down 16.18% in January-December 2007
24 January 2008 (11:13) Profitability of Stock Index MICEX goes down 5.66%
24 January 2008 (11:11) United Confectioneries B.V. insists on buying Sladko’s shares
24 January 2008 (11:09) Volume of loans given by Universal Bank to for-profit SROs drops 47.17% in January-December 2007
24 January 2008 (11:07) Net assets of Energy - Mixed Investments go down 3.95%
24 January 2008 (11:05) Volume of loans given by Pervouralsk Joint Stock Commercial Bank to natural persons for 181 days to 1 year plummets 48.7% in January-December 2007