MMK masters new kinds of produce

13 May 2014 (14:01)

May 13, 2014. Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK) can now make reinforcing bars from At800 steel.

'This thermally treated reinforcing bars are highly durable and flexible, possess a great degree of viscosity; they are used in the construction industry for reinforcing metal and concrete structures, including those complex ones that are meant to withstand ongoing dynamic loads. For one, this flat stock is used for making prefabricated concrete structures such as post-tensioned slabs and wall columns and for making 'grid concrete' – towers for high-voltage power lines. The use if At800 steel bars decreases metal consumption and increases reliability and life span of a product,' MMK says.

This type of reinforcing bars was produced in accordance with the innovative products program. 435,000 kg of metal goods with diameter of 12, 14, and 16 mm were made this year within the innovative order lot. The goods were shipped to customers in Novosibirsk Region, Bashkortostan, and Kazakhstan. The customer feedback was quite good.

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