Beloyarskaya Nuclear Power Plant Spends RUB 340m on Staff Safety

30 April 2020 (09:11)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, April 30, 2020. Beloyarskaya Nuclear Power Plant directed nearly RUB 340m to job safety and working condition improvements last year, the plant’s Information & PR Department reports.

All of the plant’s employees have been provided with certified safety appliances. The plant relies on the latest PPE, work uniforms, and special appliances that help protect a person’s life and health when working.

‘Protecting the workers’ health and safety and improving working conditions are the plant’s management top priorities. Job safety is an indispensable component of safety culture; the goal is to protect the employees’ life and health. We keep enforcing compliance with job safety regulations and introduce and improve ways to prevent accidents at work and reduce the risk of occupational diseases,’ says Director at Beloyarskaya Nuclear Power Plant Ivan Sidorov.

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