RMK Starts Assembling SAG Mills at Mikheyevsky

19 March 2013 (09:12)

March 19, 2013. The assembling of the 36ft SAG mill and of the 26ft grinding mill took off at Mikheyevsky Ore Mining & Processing Enterprise’s construction site. At the same time, the foundations are being prepared for the second set of mills (36ft and 26ft) as well as the foundations for the 22ft grinding mills, the press officer of Russian Copper Company (RMK) reports.

‘All the primary building jobs are being completed in accordance with the schedule,’ says head of the company’s production department Haibulla Davlebayev.

In addition, the top assembly of nine out of twelve Outotec flotation machines with 300cc units has been completed, and foundations have been created for them. What is more, a crushing and screening unit has been launched at the site, so 300 tons of macadam with particles of varying diameter get crushed at the enterprise every month. The macadam will be used for building the processing department and the accompanying infrastructure.

Then, two traveling cranes with the capacity of 16 tons and 20 tons have been assembled at the processing department, and two 100-ton traveling cranes are ready to be assembled at the two grinding divisions. The 1,400-meter ore assembly line that starts at the open mine and finishes at the ore warehouse is also being assembled at the moment. The creation of foundations for the technological equipment and the manufacturing of non-standard equipment necessary for the main production unit are also being worked on in accordance with the schedule.

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