Yekaterinburg: District Akademicheskiy to Serve As Smart City Testing Ground

27 March 2019 (09:45)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, March 27, 2019. Sverdlovsk Region Government coordinated a meeting chaired by First Vice Governor Alexei Orlov and contributed to by President of KORTROS Group Veniamin Golubitsky, the Group’s Director-General Stanislav Kisselev, and the Group’s RSG-Akademicheskoye’s Director-General Viktor Krivosheyin.

One of the meeting’s primary agenda points was Yekaterinburg’s District Akademicheskiy getting the status of Smart City Program’s testing ground. The idea was supported by Alexei Orlov, who believes the area has everything necessary for the success of the digital technologies project’s pilot launch.

For one, the district has all the infrastructure necessary for the digitalization of the urban environment; this infrastructure was actually incorporated into the urban design from the start. Besides, these are mostly dynamic, modern, innovation-friendly people who live there.

The meeting resulted in the decision to hold the all-Russian Housing Construction & Smart City Technologies Session in Akademicheskiy soon.

Some time was also spent talking about converting Akademicheskiy into Yekaterinburg’s eight administrative district, which is expected to happen within the next few years. Governor of Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuivashev has more than once spoken about the need to complete the procedure by 2023. It was decided that a work team would get set up to work on the issue.

In the meantime, the site for the prospective civic center for Yekaterinburg’s eight administrative district has already been found.

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