27 June 2008 (09:36) Fuel prices and fuel fees go up too often, Avenue complains
27 June 2008 (09:34) URSA Bank sets up 1001st terminal
27 June 2008 (09:32) Federal Antimonopoly Service looks into Yekaterinburgnefteprodukt and Lukoil-Permnefteprodukt’s case
27 June 2008 (09:30) Sinara Group’s Ural plant’s GD to leave office
27 June 2008 (09:28) METCOMBANK to raise number of cards, Alexander Peshin says
27 June 2008 (09:26) Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development rated 44th in RBC. Rating
27 June 2008 (09:24) Sverdlovsk Region processes ten times less timber than Finland, Governor says
27 June 2008 (09:22) Vanadium launches new machinery
27 June 2008 (09:20) Nazim Efendiev appointed chairman of heavy engineering committee
27 June 2008 (09:18) SKB-Bank launches credit cards in July 2008, says chairman