22 June 2006 (14:00) Shareholders of Chelyabchimopttorg JSC decide to pass a dividend for 2005
22 June 2006 (13:58) Road metal sales of Vysokogorsky Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise go up by 7 to 9% within five months of 2006
22 June 2006 (13:56) Board of Directors of Electromashina JSC suggests stockholders pass a dividend for 2005
22 June 2006 (13:54) Shareholders of Kopeisk Machine Building Works decide to pass a dividend for 2005
22 June 2006 (13:52) Vanadium JSC modernizes bucket-wheel excavators
22 June 2006 (13:50) Shareholders of KinoMax-Pobeda JSC to pass a dividend for 2005
22 June 2006 (13:48) People’s Bank of Kazakhstan JSC acquires additional share issue of Klebniy JSC
22 June 2006 (13:46) South Ural Mortgage Lending Agency JSC announces private house project competition hoping to promote low-rise constriction