sets up first 24/7 mortgage lending center

9 July 2007 (09:24)

Yekaterinburg Consumer Rights Committee voted for’s project as the Best Mortgage Lending Scheme in the course of the Quality Service Festival in April 2007. Only three months later, the bank’s first 24/7 mortgage lending center was set up in Yekaterinburg; the opening ceremony took place on July 4, 2007.

The center is located in the bank’s new office at 29 Malyshev St., and all the customers wishing to consult an expert and have their chances of getting a mortgage assessed may do so there. One can also use the bank’s hotline number 222-22-22 (that is actually available round the clock) in order to make an appointment.

'Today, taking a mortgage loan from a bank is one of the easiest and most suitable ways of making your dreams of a home come true. Even though virtually every bank would offer one a mortgage lending scheme of one sort or another, mortgages are so popular that the demand is still much greater than the supply. This is why we decided to set up a special center,’’s Mortgage Lending Director Alevtina Christoforova says.

'We tried to take into account all the needs our customers might have, so the center can boast a special conference room where they may sign any papers they need or possibly strike a deal. This is Yekaterinburg’s first mortgage lending center to operate 24/7,’ the bank’s press release states.

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