In 2005, we paid 132 million RUR worth of premiums, Express Garant says

22 February 2006 (09:14)

‘In 2005, the total of our insurance contributions exceeded 350 million RUR, whereas our premium payments came to 132 million RUR. The property and liability insurance have the biggest ratios to the insurance portfolio (80% and 10% respectively)’ the spokesperson for Express Garant stock life insurance company said to UrBC representative.

‘The insurance contributions for land transport comprised 50% of all the insurances, with the unprofitableness coming to 65%. The insurance unprofitableness of natural persons in this category comprises 52%, that of legal entities is 70%,’ the spokesperson said.

‘Over 13,000 people wished to obtain the obligatory drivers’ insurance, and the unprofitableness of this came to 73%, with 76% for natural persons and 64% for legal entities.’

‘The average unprofitableness made up 37%, with land transport insurance, obligatory drivers’ insurance, and property insurance being the least profitable,’ the spokesperson noted.

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