MMK to Present Industrial Tours at Conference in Chelyabinsk

6 December 2019 (09:15)

UrBC, Magnitogorks, December 6, 2019. A conference on industrial tourism development takes place in Chelyabinsk Region on December 5, 2019; Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK) representatives are giving a talk on the company's successful experience with industrial guided tours, MMK's Information & PR Department reports.

The conference gets coordinated by Chelyabinsk Region Tourism Development Center with support from Chelyabinsk Region's Culture Ministry. Speakers will be presenting success stories of industrial guided tours, company museums, and special on-site events. During the first day of the conference, talks will be given by representatives of Abrau-Dyurso Wine-Tasting Tourism Center, Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant, Sverdlovsk Region Tourism Development Center, the knife-manufacturing company AiR, the meat-processing plant Kalinka, and other businesses.

Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works intends to share its experience in the field of industrial tourism as well. The company started holding guided tours on Chelyabinsk Region's largest production site one year ago in October. Over 10,000 industrial tourists have visited MMK's site since then.

The company came up with four custom-designed tours, two of them children-friendly. The tours have been developed with safety, informative value, and visual appeal in mind.

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