Yekaterinburg: Akademichesky Hosts All-Russian Building Project

23 June 2016 (13:42)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, June 23, 2016. On July 7, the 7th All-Russian Akademichesky Building Project will begin in Yekaterinburg’s Akademichesky District.

The project’s employers are offering summer jobs to students willing to work in the building industry during their time off campus. The following student teams are coming: Anita (Sverdlovsk Region), Akhtiar (Sevastopol), GOST (Saint Petersburg), Dedal (Perm Territory), Dzhungaria (Kalmykia), Zhenski Batalyon (Rostov Region), Zhenski Dvigatel (Novosibirsk Region), Impuls (Sverdlovsk Region), Kalinka (Sverdlovsk Region), Lyubava (Sverdlovsk Region), Mayak (Moscow), Orbita (Arkhangelsk Region), Ritm (Altai Territory), Slavyana (Sverdlovsk Region), Solveig (Sverdlovsk Region), Ural (Sverdlovsk Region), Festival (Sverdlovsk Region), and Elbrus (Kabardino-Balkaria).

Eighteen student teams, including eight teams from Sverdlovsk Region, are coming to join in the project, with tree more teams in reserve till the construction work starts.

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