MMK to Reuse Iron-Bearing Scrap

5 May 2016 (09:26)

UrBC, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region, May 05, 2016. Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK) came up with a way to use the oil-soaked furnace clinker left over from the metal-rolling departments in its sintering departments.

‘We are currently assembling the equipment necessary for the transfer and drying-up of the staff so that it can be reused industrially. The reuse of 75,000,000 kg of furnace clinker is expected to result in 63.2m RUR in savings a year, and the equipment will pay off in under a year,’ MMK says.

Unlike the dry clinker with 72% iron content (a known reliable stuff that can be used for sintering), oil-soaked materials haven’t been used by MMK until very recently. The water and oil content made the recycling impossible, so the company accumulated some 46,000,000 kg of oil-soaked furnace clinker containing, on average, 67.5% of iron (and up to 12% water) last year alone.

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