Sverdlovsk Region industry at least 50% import-dependent

25 February 2015 (13:49)

February 25, 2015. All of Sverdlovsk Region’s industries are at least 50% import-dependent, local Industry & Science Minister Andrei Misyura said at a press conference in Yekaterinburg.

According to Misyura, the pharmaceutical sector is 72% import-dependent, the oil and gas sector’s and the machine-building sector’s import dependency comes to 60%.

The minister pointed out that a few of local enterprises could enjoy a product monopoly as far as the Russian market goes, yet their share of the home market is only 10%.

He also said that eighteen out of eighty-two local processing enterprises that are monitored by the ministry on a weekly basis were ‘at risk’.

‘They are either suffering from insufficient working capital because of a long production process or are unable to get a loan; besides, some of them are still operating at last year’s prices,’ Misyura said.

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