Uralvagonzavod employees speak highly of Nizhniy Tagil’s development speed

24 October 2013 (09:06)

October 24, 2013. The employees of Uralvagonzavod Scientific & Production Corporation spoke very highly of the speed of Nizhniy Tagil’s development.

The corporation’s press service a meeting chaired by the Plenipotentiary Representative of Russian Federation President in Ural Federal District Igor Kholmanskikh in Nizhniy Tagil that was dedicated to the multi-faceted development of the city’s infrastructure.

Governor of Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuivashev said that the Region’s Government and the city council developed a program on the all-round development of Nizhniy Tagil in 2013-2016, and an action plan was adopted for the development of the engineering infrastructure and the social one in 2013, with 2bn RUR to be provided from the Region’s budget. 20.2m RUR will be provided as co-financing from the city budget.

The action plan for the development of social and engineering infrastructure of Nizhniy Tagil now covers several areas: Tagil Tramway, Road-Building and Street-Cleaning Vehicles, Warm City, Elevator Replacement, Safe City, Clean City, and Lit-up City. Each of these areas is supervised by respective Ministries and Departments. In fact, the results of efforts in each of these directions are already obvious: road are being repaired, modern trams and vehicles are being purchased, heat supply networks are being repaired, elevators are being replaced, and many other things are being done.

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