ChTZ workers pass Ready for Labour and Defence tests

28 May 2013 (09:15)

May 28, 2013. More than 30 of Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant (ChTZ, a member of Uralvagonzavod Scientific & Production Corporation) received the gold Ready for Labour and Defence decorations, and 50 more people were given the silver ones that stand for their physical education achievements, the corporation’s press service reports.

The awards were given out to the workers by the guests of honor: the three-time winner of Russia’s Strongest Man title and the world vice-champion for power extreme Mikhail Koklyaev and Russia’s power lifting champion and winner of prizes at Russia’s and the world strongman championships Alexei Serebryakov. ChTZ Deputy Director-General Andrei Sentyabov, who spoke at the awarding ceremony, spoke very highly of the personnel’s achievements in passing the Ready for Labour and Defence tests.

The scores were kept during the sports competition between Uralvagonzavod-ChTZ and Mechel. 90 sports players in each of the teams competed with the encouragement of the Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius.

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