Development Corporation Comes Up with End-of-Year Report

28 December 2012 (09:28)

December 28, 2012. The year 2012 proved productive for all the sections of the corporation’s investment project. The Development Corporation’s energy sector activity deserves special attention, as it is in this area where the company achieved the most significant results,’ the corporation’s press office reports.

First, this year the company successfully completed its project on putting up the infrastructure for the Purpe-Samotlor pipeline system. Within the framework of this project, Development Corporation commissioned two 110/10 kilowatt-substations and two 110-kilowatt electric mains for Transneft and put up some apartment buildings for the employees of Sibneft and a fire depot to make sure the oil pipelines are protected. Then, the second stage of the project started as well.

In December 2012, Development Corporation won in the 7th Interregional Year’s Achievements Awards in the Alliance of the Year category precisely for its reinforced cooperation with AK Transneft in terms of putting up infrastructure facilities for the Purpe-Samotlor pipeline system.

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