Ural Airlines Help 10,000+ Russians Evacuate

27 March 2020 (09:18)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, March 27, 2020. Ural Airlines took more than 10,000 Russian nationals home from abroad on its custom flights, the air carrier’s press service reports.

60 evacuation flights were operated between March 16 and March 25, 2020. Most of the passengers arrived from Prague, Antalya, Dubai, and Larnaca; a certain number of people also returned from Budapest, London, and Tel Aviv.

The airline’s evacuation flights are still in progress: Moscow-Tel Aviv Moscow flight will get operated on March 26; Irkutsk-Bangkok-Irkutsk one will get operated on March 27; and Moscow-Yerevan-Moscow one will get operated on April 1.

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