9 November 2006 (11:30) Ural Airlines introduce cost-cutting program for Moscow-bound flights
9 November 2006 (11:28) Evrazruda develops cooperation within its mechanical service network
9 November 2006 (11:26) Final separation into generating, network-servicing, and supplying companies still pending, reports regional power supplier
9 November 2006 (11:24) Chairman of ITERA Oil and Gas Company Vladimir Makeev elected Chairman of Uralsevergaz CJSC
9 November 2006 (11:22) UralBusinessConsulting Agency of Information and Analytics re-registers with Federal Mass Media Legislation and Cultural Heritage Surveillance Service
9 November 2006 (11:20) Volume of deposits at call and of other investments of non-resident natural persons in Mechel-Bank goes down by 38.524036% in January-September 2006, reports Central Bank of Russia
9 November 2006 (11:18) Volume of nongovernmental commercial organization accounts of Uglemetbank goes down by 86.956522% in January-September 2006, reports Central Bank of Russia