27 October 2006 (13:00) Federal Antimonopoly Service in Sverdlovsk Region considers case of BBH concerning violations of beer advertising legislation
27 October 2006 (12:58) Regional division of Federal Financial Market Service registers decision and report about share issue by Industrial Urals-Polar Urals Corporation
27 October 2006 (12:56) UralTransBank gives 23% fewer short-term loans to sole traders in January-September 2006, reports Central Bank of Russia
27 October 2006 (12:54) Chairperson and General Director of United Machine Building Works present company’s strategy to media
27 October 2006 (12:52) Evrazruda looks at quality of produce in third quarter of 2006
27 October 2006 (12:50) Environmental prosecution bodies of Chelyabinsk Region take criminal action following fracture of TON oil-trunk pipeline in Satkinskiy District
27 October 2006 (12:48) Chelyabinsk Region legislature approves of regional program proposed by President of Magnesite Group to support risk-group families and children in 2007
27 October 2006 (12:46) Net profit of Trubodetal goes down by 11.698% in third quarter of 2006