Over 170 people violate income-reporting regulations in Sverdlovsk Region

16 April 2007 (07:30)

The law-enforcement agencies of Ural Federal District had been inspecting most of the local civil services for the last three months to find out that enormous number of civil servants violated the law by concealing their entrepreneurial activity, failing to produce accurate income statements or to hold impartial tenders for goods and services rendered for state and municipal purposes. Over 800 violations were revealed altogether, including 200 offenses in Tyumen Region and more than 170 in Sverdlovsk Region.

In order to respond accordingly, the district’s public prosecution authorities impugned 173 regional bills that contradicted the federal legislation, produced 213 reports for mayors and other authorities, and filed 103 administrative suits and 42 criminal suits. The officers are going to keep inspecting the organizations.

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