RosSvyazNadzor in Sverdlovsk Region takes administrative action against subsidiary of Russian Post

29 November 2006 (12:48)

Some violations of delivery frequency norms were revealed in the post offices of Russian Post in Yekaterinburg in July 2006.

This November, RosSvyazNadzor in Sverdlovsk Region (the monitoring body) conducted an unscheduled inspection of the offices aimed at eliminating these violations. The inspection again made it clear that the delivery of written mail in Yekaterinburg takes place less often than 7 days a week, which is a violation of the Russian Federation Government Provision 160 of March 24, 2006 that reads that the mail should be delivered on a daily basis.

The record and other papers concerning the administrative offence were placed with the local Justices of the Peace.

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