Rospotrebnadzor in Sverdlovsk Region withdraws samples of Moldavian wine base used by winery of Sredneuralsk

20 April 2006 (09:18)

So far, the Winery of Sredneuralsk Ltd. (part of AVS-GROUP) has bought 350 new-format excise duty stamps, the company’s spokesperson said to UrBC representative.

According to the company’s GD Pavel Agapov, the winery keeps working as usual. ‘We are currently producing and bottling wine using Russian wine base; the output comes to 12,000 decalitres a month,’ Mr Agapov said. He believes the winery will have launched two more kinds of wine (Buena Vista and Zlata Gura) that use Spanish and Bulgarian wine base. Mr Agapov also said that Rospotrebnadzor in Sverdlovsk Region had withdrawn samples of Moldavian wine base used by the winery in order to make an examination by experts.

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