Real fuel expenses of Ural Airlines comprise 32% of ticket price for the Yekaterinburg-Moscow-Yekaterinburg flights, spokesperson for Koltsovo International Airport says

16 February 2006 (10:26)

According to the estimations of Koltsovo International Airport specialists, profitability of economy class service transportation of 1 passenger flying Ural Airlines from Koltsovo to Moscow and back is about 84%. The ticket price is 14,500 RUR, whereas the prime cost of 1 passenger transportation by TU-154 aircraft is 7897 RUR. PR-department of Koltsovo International Airport also announced that despite the claims of Ural Airlines top-management, the real share of fuel expenses in the overall ticket price is only 32% and not 50%.

All this is the outcome of Ural Airlines GD Sergei Skuratov saying that a 50% share of fuel tallage in the overall ticket prices due to the high kerosene prices set by Koltsovo International Airport is disgraceful.

‘It is quite understandable that the top-management of Ural Airlines declares its high ticket prices to be disgraceful. According to our calculations, the company could have replaced its old Soviet aircrafts with some newer Boeings or Airbuses perfectly easy under the current profitability of its main flights. A good deal of the company’s business rivals managed to reduce their kerosene as well as other running expenses in this way. But Ural Airlines seem to prefer enhancement of its service prices in spite of the fact that even under the current prices the company covers all its expenses two times at least,’ Koltsovo International Airport GD Mikhail Maximov commented on the claims of Ural Airlines GD.

According to the report of the airport’s PR-department, the share of oil suppliers in the 14,500 RUR paid for the ticket by a passenger of TU-154 aircraft is 4,500 RUR. If a passenger travels by Boeing-737, then the oil suppliers’ share reduces to 2,300 RUR. Even if the airport lowers its combustive-lubricating goods sales profit to the minimum and equates its prices with the ones in Moscow, it can only reduce the air ticket price by 150 RUR. These are only the business rivals of Ural Airlines who could gain some real advantages of this possible extreme drop in prices, reports PR-department of Koltsovo International Airport.

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