EVRAZ ZSMK Ships 5,000,000 kg of Rails to Brazil Railways

4 December 2019 (12:11)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, December 4, 2019. The first industrial-scale batch of 600 and 136RE rails was made from a unique grade at steel EVRAZ West Siberian Metallurgical Plant (EVRAZ ZSMK) Rail & Beam Department for customers in Brazil, EVRAZ Holding Siberia's Corporate Communications Center reports.

5,000,000 kg of rails made from G2HH steel (Brinnell hardness number: 400-440) got sent to the Brazilian company Rumo ALL. The steel-smelting patent for this type of steel belongs to EVRAZ Pueblo.

'G2HH steel is different from the traditional steel grades in that it contains less manganese and more chromium. The plant's experts improved the chemical composition of the steel in order to obtain the best hardness parameters along the rail's entire length and section and designed a special quenching procedure in order to obtain the best mechanical parameters,' the company says.

'The rails made from this steel type have exceptional strength and plasticity properties. This is EVRAZ Holding's know-how. Our Brazilian partners need reliable, long-lasting, and particularly heavy-duty rails for heavily loaded railcars. The product we came up with is exactly this,' says Tech Director at EVRAZ ZSMK Alexei Golovatenko.

600 and 136RE rails made from G2HH steel meet both the EU and the U.S. Standards. The first industrial-scale batch of 136RE rails compliant with the U.S. AREMA standards was made at EVRAZ ZSMK for Brazil Railways in 2017. Since then, more than 40,000,000 kg of this rail variety have been shipped to customers.

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