Russian Government Makes Supermarkets Place Surrogate Dairy Foods on Separate Shelves

2 July 2019 (10:14)

UrBC, Moscow, July 2, 2019. The Russian Government issued a provision that makes it obligatory for grocery stores to display regular dairy foods and surrogate ones containing dairy fat substitutes on separate shelves; the document is now available on the Cabinet’s website.

Dairy products and foods containing milk or milk-based ingredients must be placed on supermarket/store shelves in a way that makes it visually possible to tell them from other food types; besides, a statement should be given that these are foods without any dairy fat substitutes,’ the provision indicates.

The paper came into effect on July 1, 2019.

Now Sverdlovsk Region division of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (aka Rosselkhoznadzor) reported earlier that up to 20% of dairy foods and meat products on Sverdlovsk Region market were poor quality or adulterated ones. This was clear from the checks and tests made and taken in the area in 2018 and in the first quarter of 2019.

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