Uralgidromed Awarded for Job Safety

31 October 2017 (14:30)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, October 31, 2017. Russian Copper Company’s Uralgidromed in Polevskoy, Sverdlovsk Oblast, was given a thank-you letter from Governor of Sverdlovsk Oblast Evgeny Kuivashev following the local job safety and working conditions contest.

Russian Copper Company’s press service reports the contest was held among the constituency’s ferrous and no-ferrous metallurgical enterprises, ore mining companies, and companies in the ferrous alloy industry, agriculture, food and processing industry, and healthcare sector.

The contestants got evaluated on the basis of their working conditions, on-site accident rates, occupational health hazards, job safety assessment procedures, job safety projects, and funding for these projects. Uraldigromed had some of the best performance indicators along all these criteria.

‘Job safety and great production standards have always been our priorities. We invest quite a bit in job and industrial safety projects at the Group’s enterprises every year. RUR 759m got directed to this purpose in 2013-2016. Mostly, the money gets spent on working conditions improvements, buying special-purpose uniform and protective gear, dietary meals, regular medical checkups, and employee training,’ says Russian Copper Company’s Director for the Environment, Job Safety & Industrial Safety Natalia Gonchar.

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