Sverdlovsk Region: 30% of Jobless Out of Employment for 12+ Months

10 May 2017 (09:33)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, May 10, 2017. It took a Sverdlovsk Region-based unemployed person 7.1 months on average to find a new job in the first quarter of 2017, Sverdlovskstat reports.

45.7% of the local unemployed remain out of jobs between one and six months, 28.9% stay unemployed for over a year. This is five times more than in the first quarter of 2016, when only 5.6% of those on the lookout for a place couldn’t find one for over twelve months.

36,000 people applied to the state-run employment agencies in the area in January-March 2017, including 33,600 jobless applicants. This is 2.6% more than one year previously.

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