Ural Vagon Zavod Holds Amateur Olympics

25 November 2016 (13:21)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, November 25, 2016. Ural Vagon Zavod Corporation’s head plant coordinated its annual amateur Olympics that are part of the company’s physical education and sports program, their press service reports.

This year, twenty-one sports events were organized at the plant altogether, with more than 25,000 people from 110 different departments and divisions taking part. The best teams were awarded with trophy cups, honorary certificates, and money prizes (10,000 to 15,000 RUR to be spent on sportswear and equipment).

The track-and-field race for Mashinostroitel Prize, a volleyball championship, a cross-country race in the fall, and the winter and summer indoor soccer championships proved the most popular contests of the year. The events involved 1,348, 558, 518, and 648 contestants, respectively. The annual ski race, however, was an absolute hit that gathered together 3,017 sportsmen and women, which was nearly three times as many as in 2015.

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