Ural Vagon Zavod to Make Road Builders

2 June 2016 (17:39)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, June 2, 2016. Ural Vagon Zavod Corporation’s Director-General Oleg Sienko, Deputy DG Viktor Voropayev, and head of Rosavtodor Roman Starovoyt met to talk about the ways to develop the Russian machine-building industry and import substitution of roa-building vehicles, the company press service reports.

Ural Vagon Zavod is expected to start making up-to-date road vehicles on its premises.

‘This is one of Russia’s largest scientific and production facilities comprising metallurgical, railcar-assembling, mechanical assembly, repairs, tool-making and other divisions, which means a full production cycle can be launched here. Ural Vagon Zavod has everything necessary for making the vehicles Russian road-building industry needs,’ Starovoyt said.

The company will soon be making pavement rollers, soil compactors, tandem rollers, asphalt-mixing equipment, and loading/unloading devices.

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