MMK METIZ to sell new PSC strands

6 February 2015 (14:09)

February 6, 2015. Magnitogorsk-based MMK METIZ added new types of PSC strands to its range of products: the plant mastered the production of these last year, the company reports.

A sample batch of 12.5mm PSC strands (1,860 N/mm2 or 190 kgf/mm2) was manufactured in accordance with the EN 10138-3 standard. Additionally, the plant also made samples of 15.2mm strands in accordance with GOST 53772-2010 from corrugated wire (min rupture strength 1,860 N/mm2).

Besides, a sample batch of 43mm and 46.5mm strands was made for Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works furnace department in accordance with the TU 1251-064-00187240-2009 standard. Also, MMK METIZ can now offer customers the following zinc-coated strands: 13mm, 16mm, and 18 mm ones in the 1,570 N/mm2 (160 kgf/mm2) category that are 2,350m long, meet the DIN 3055/ EN 12385-4-2008 standard, and are meant for ski-lifts; and steel strands that have been tested for acceptance by the Russian Maritime Register.

The plant has also taken a number of technical steps that made it possible to start making 1.4mm galvanized wire (1,770N/mm2 or 180kgf/mm2).

The range of products offered by MMK METIZ (a member enterprise of MMK Group) is quite expansive compared to wheat other Russian metal goods producers make. MMK METIZ manufactures all kinds of metal products ranging from railroad spikes to nails to quite unique, innovative-technology based fittings.

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