Deposit Insurance Agency: Foreign currency deposits grow by nearly a third in Ural Federal District-based banks

26 August 2013 (09:48)

August 26, 2013. The share of foreign currency deposits in Ural Federal District-based banks in the total deposit volume rose by 1.1% and reached 9.9% in the first half of 2013. The volume of these deposits itself rose by 26.1% (by 18% in nominal terms) and reached 42.1bn RUR in the ruble terms on July 1, 2013. As for the national currency deposits, these went up by 10.5% and amounted to 382.7bn RUR, Deposit Insurance Agency State Corporation’s report states.

In the first half of 2013, the long-term deposits (over 3 years long) proved those that have increased the most (by 28.7%); their share in the total volume went up by 2.8% and reached 25.4% due to a decreasing number of deposits under one year long. Private savings deposited with banks for a period of one to three years rose by 15% and proved the growth leader (27.4bn RUR, while the over-three-year deposits rose by only 20.7bn RUR in absolute terms). The deposits with the period of one to twelve months shrank by 4.4%. Demand deposits and deposits with the period of under 30 days rose by 2.5%.

As of July 1, 2013, the greatest share of private deposits in all of the banks in federal constituencies in Ural Federal District was made up of those with the period of one to three years. Their share was 81% in Kurgan Region, 60.3% in Sverdlovsk Region, 63.3% in Tyumen Region, 54.9% in Khanty-Mansiysky Autonomous Region, and 47.8% in Chelyabinsk Region.

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