29 March 2006 (11:30) Metallurgical Works of Zlatoust pays 606,179,000 RUR to budgets and off-budget funds in 2005
29 March 2006 (11:28) Housing companies owe 240 million RUR to regional electricity networks
29 March 2006 (11:26) Troitsk State District Power Plant still working on technical reequipment
29 March 2006 (11:24) Metallurgical Works of Chelyabinsk and Ural Smithy JSC to raise metal produce supplies to Kazakhstan
29 March 2006 (11:22) Ural India Limited, joint venture by Ural Car Factory and Motidjag Agency Ltd. of India, begins to operate.
29 March 2006 (11:20) Video International Ural launches Business Center