Lots of bank offices are bound to yield profit, SKB-Bank says

3 December 2007 (09:15)

Quite a number of banks are trying to set up offices that specialize either in offering loans to or opening deposits for customers today. According to SKB-Bank’s Deposit Director Denis Belogurov, SKB-Bank does not normally divide its offices in, so to say, ‘donors’ and ‘recipients’.

'We see our main task as meeting the business plan which has been balanced in terms of our assets and liabilities. We haven’t got offices that would only deal in either loans or deposits, even though I’m not saying this can never happen some time in the future. And we do have Taganskiy Ryad office that is known for specializing in money orders,’ Mr. Belogurov noted.

Given a clever business plan, having many offices always results in better profits, he observed.

'According to a Chinese saying, if you have one quill, you can ornament everything but this quill; if you have two, you can ornament everything,’ Mr. Belogurov added.

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