Electricity supplier of Chelyabinsk cuts off local hauler

22 February 2006 (09:26)

Chelyabenergosbyt JSC, the electricity supplier of Chelyabinsk, cut off the municipal hauler Chelyabgortrans due to electricity debts on February 15, 2006. Last week, most of the hauler’s buildings, warehouses and workshops in Sverdlovskiy highway, Kopeyskoye highway and Artilleriyskaya St. had no access to electricity whatsoever.

On February 20, having failed to hear from Chelyabgortrans management, the electricity supplier proceeded with further cut-offs and introduced limited supplies from 10 AM to 4 PM daily at the traction substations №№ 46 and 23.

As the company’s spokesperson said to UrBC representative, Chelyabenergosbyt JSC executives had decided to go on with these limits until all the debts have been settled. These limits, however, may lead to a major malfunction of the city’s public transport.

All the authorities that are responsible for dealing with this issue are aware of what is happening.

According to the spokesperson for the electricity supplier, the hauler owes the company around 16.5 million RUR. The hauler only paid 320,000 instead of 9 million in January 2006, and only 3 million instead of 10 million in February.

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