Lack of defense contractors makes Machine Building Works of Miass turn to consumer goods

8 February 2006 (09:24)

On the eve of its 14th birthday, Machine Building Works of Miass, Chelyabinsk Region, are thinking of converting their production to consumer goods, reports the company’s management.

The company’s production volume went up by 14% in 2005 solely due to an increase in consumer goods, the output of which went up by 30%. Yet the remaining 70% are still comprised by the defense produce – the plant has enough contracts to provide them with until 2010.

However, according to GD Alexander Pelevin, there will be fewer contracts starting from 2008. That is why the company is going to build up its share of the market of food industry equipment; there are projects to develop and launch sophisticated bakery equipment and equipment for mini breweries. The company is going to resume the production of concrete mixers and demountable casings for solid construction (some schemes were developed as early as the 1980s).

Besides, Machine Building Works of Miass hopes to break into the market of energy saving technologies, namely, to launch some thermo regulators and meters. The company is expecting to start producing optical fibre (which has a great potential) by 2010.

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