MMK to Set Up Research Center in Skolkovo

19 October 2017 (12:15)

UrBC, Magnitogorsk, October 19, 2017. Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK) and Skolkovo Foundation agreed to set up MMK Research Center on the latter’s site, MMK’s Information, PR & Advertising Department reports.

The agreement was signed by MMK Director-General Pavel Shilyayev and Skolkovo’s President Viktor Vekselberg.

MMK intends to invest RUR 30m in the project in the next three years. The Research Center is meant to help implement a number of innovative projects on the plant’s primary production site, with the future economic output estimated at over RUR 100m.

‘Relying on advanced IT and AI developments is something that helps this company compete successfully on any market due to lower prime cost, better produce quality, and the best service available. The decision to set up a research center in Russia’s largest innovative projects hub is only a logical step on the way to integrating the best available technologies into MMK’s production process,’ says MMK DG Pavel Shilyayev.

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