Ural Vagon Zavod Switches to Natural Gas

11 March 2016 (09:24)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, March 11, 2016. The foundry departments of Omsktransmash (a member enterprise of Ural Vagon Zavod Corporation) are now running on natural gas rather than furnace oil, the corporation’s press service reports.

Based on the company’s calculations, this is expected to result in 40m RUR in savings this year, and even more in the years to come.

‘Our Senior Engineer’s and Senior Metallurgist’s Departments did a lot of work finding contractors and getting all the necessary pipelines and ducts installed for the converted equipment and purchasing all the new appliances. For one, special units were bought for ladle lining operations at the steel-smelting department,’ the press service says.

The foundry departments need natural gas for heating stopper and teapot ladles so that liquid metal can be poured into the moulds at the needed temperature.

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