Uralvagonzavod Corporation to provide equipment for a two-week trial

16 September 2014 (09:16)

September 16, 2014. Uralvagonzavod Scientific and Production Corporation is adopting the car manufacturers' best practices to promote its TMV 2 railway carriage shunter on the Russian market.

The corporation reports that, starting from September, Russian companies which would like to get more information about this new machine's technical and operational characteristics can borrow this TMV 2 for a two-week trial and actually use it on their production site.

The machine comes with Uralvagonzavod Corporation's operation and maintenance team, whose members will train a company's personnel to operate it and will help them find the most efficient operation mode that will best suit the railway infrastructure of a given enterprise.

In terms of its intended field of application, TMV 2 can actually fully replace a regular locomotive shunter. However, the new model is much more maneuverable and is considerably more efficient as far as its lifespan costs go. TMV 2 will be useful at industrial enterprises, repair depots, and ports.

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