Governor of Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuivashev Declares Income

19 April 2013 (09:49)

April 19, 2013. Governor of Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuivashev published a report on his income, property and liabilities, as well as on the income and property of his relatives as of 2012, Governor of Sverdlovsk Region’s Information Policies Department reports.

According to this document, the Governor received 5m RUR in terms of income last year. He owns a 144-sq-m apartment, a MZSA trailer, and a VX700 jet ski.

The Governor’s spouse’s income amounted to 7.6m RUR last year. She owns a 118.7-sq-m apartment and a 50% share in a 98.4-sq-m non-living premises. She also owns a Toyota RAV4.

The Governor’s daughter owns some property as well.

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