Pervouralsk Waste-Recycling Plant Declared Bankrupt

15 January 2013 (09:34)

January 15, 2013. Pervouralsk household solid waste recycling plant was declared bankrupt after a corresponding claim laid by the Federal Tax Service. The company will now have to undergo bankruptcy proceedings; Nikolai Kaiky was appointed the enterprise’s trustee in bankruptcy; this information is available from the case files available via Sverdlovsk Region Arbitration Court’s website.

The court determined that the following creditors had their claims: Ural Transport Bank (2.839m RUR worth of debt plus 791,000 RUR worth of penalties) and the Interregional Tax Inspectorate (on behalf of Russia’s Federal Tax Service; 4.758 RUR worth of debts and 445,000 RUR worth of penalties). Besides, Zapad-Region Private Security Service demands to be paid 299,000 RUR, and Gamma wants to be paid 1.043m RUR. The debts to the second-priority creditors amount to 1.454m RUR.

The municipal plant was built in Pervouralsk in 2005; the project was mainly financed through the regional budget. However, the enterprise was handed over to the municipal authorities. In any case, the plant never reached its projected capacity of 60,000 tons of recycled waste a year.

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