UBRD Launches Anti-Fraud System

31 October 2017 (14:29)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, October 31, 2017. The Ural Bank for Reconstruction & Development (UBRD) integrated an inter-banking anti-fraud system designed by the National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI AFS) into its own scoring system, the bank’s press service reports.

The service was developed with immediate help from Russia’s leading retail lending banks and on the basis of their many years’ lending experience on the national market. AFS evaluates loan applications against nearly two hundred criteria that get updated with the banks’ new data on borrowers on an ongoing basis. The system can process up to two hundred applications per second with no damage to the processing quality whatsoever.

‘Thanks to the system, we should be able to screen as many suspicious loan applications as possible,’ says the UBRD Risk Director Andrei Rayev.

‘The service allows for faster fraud detection as well as for sufficiently precise, in-depth analysis of dubious-looking applications. The important thing is that detecting credit fraud attempts at an early stage will improve the bank’s credit risk management as well. An inter-banking anti-fraud system will also result in better customer service for our borrowers.’

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