Uralmashzavod suffers from lack of orders

24 September 2009 (09:07)

‘We have to sell 3.6 billion RUR worth of goods this year, which is, in fact, not a big figure for a company like Uralmashzavod. To keep the plant working, we actually need to sell twice as much. Next year, provided our sales departments prove more efficient, our sales will probably go up one and a half times or will even double,’ Uralmashzavod’s General Director Oleg Danchenko said in his interview to Za Tyazheloye Mashinostroyeniye.

‘The company produced 167 million RUR worth of goods and sold 240 million RUR worth of produce in July 2009. However, our main problem is the lack of orders and therefore no work for us. This is why some of our shops are idle. The results of the stoppage were obvious in July,’ the executive added.

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