MMK exhibits Mill 5000 in Tyumen

26 May 2009 (12:55)

Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK) presented it Mill 5000 potential at The Urals’ Industry, the first industrial exhibition in Tyumen.

This exhibition was part of the project on the industrial development of the Urals’ north (known as The Industrial Urals-The Polar Urals Corporation). Chelyabinsk Region (which owns a shareholding in the corporation) presented over fifteen regional enterprises at the exhibition, including MMK.

MMK’s PR Department reports the company’s stand displayed the capabilities of their future hot-roll Mill 5000 meant for manufacturing plate iron, with width coming up to 4,850 mm and durability class up to X120. This produce is expected to enjoy demand with the O & G industry as well as ship-, bridge-, and machine-building branches. The mill is supposed to produce up 1.5 million tons of goods a year and will probably be launched in July 2009.

According to MMK Management Company’s Vice President for Sales Vladimir Shmakov, the launch of the mill will mean a lot for the development of the oil and natural gas deposits in the north of Russia.

‘The potential oil and gas consumers are based within thousands of kilometers of the deposits, so one simply cannot do without an extensive pipeline network. This signals new opportunities for pipeline manufacturers and MMK,’ he explained.

‘MMK is a striking example of a successful investment project aimed at producing import-replacing goods. Their new plate iron will be used for producing Russian large-diameter pipes for Western Siberia’s O & G projects,’ says Chelyabinsk Region’s Minister for Industry and Natural Resources Evgeniy Teftelev.

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