16 May 2007 (14:50) Major breakdown at Golden Telecom Ltd. deprives users of Internet access
16 May 2007 (14:48) Volume of loans given by Uralfinprombank to sole traders for 91 to 180 days goes down 83% in January-April 2007, Central Bank of Russia reports
16 May 2007 (14:46) Regional customs officers find over 1,000 pirated items on trains
16 May 2007 (14:44) Volume of loans given by SberInvestBank to sole traders for more than 3 years goes down 8% in January-March 2007, Central Bank of Russia reports
16 May 2007 (14:42) Permskaya and Kashirskaya power stations produce less electricity in April 2007
16 May 2007 (14:40) 90% of insolvency claims we get come from Federal Tax Service, acting Deputy Head of Arbitration Court says
16 May 2007 (14:38) Academic construction project to apply for state backing
16 May 2007 (14:36) Head of Sverdlovsk Region Meat Union Sergey Emelyanov says recent bans on meat import protect Russian consumers from low-quality produce
16 May 2007 (14:34) Most claims we get are laid against Russian Standard Bank and Home Credit and Finance Bank Ltd., Federal Entomology Service says
16 May 2007 (14:32) Regional machine-building industry uses equipment worn out 50% to 70%