Yekaterinburg meatpacking factory regional holding to appear in 2007
13 April 2006 (12:58)
Yekaterinburgsky Myasokombinat Ltd. (meatpacking factory of Yekaterinburg) started to build up the regional holding of the same name, said Oleg Bykov, the company’s Chairman.
According to Mr Bykov, the holding is to integrate the main regional meatpacking industry enterprises, their sources of raw materials, vegetable oil productions and sales networks. The holding will also include grain storage and processing plants. The holding structure formation is to have been completed by the middle of 2007.
According to Mr Bykov, the holding is to integrate the main regional meatpacking industry enterprises, their sources of raw materials, vegetable oil productions and sales networks. The holding will also include grain storage and processing plants. The holding structure formation is to have been completed by the middle of 2007.
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