Uraltrack Ltd. assesses its achievements in 2005

23 March 2006 (10:48)

In 2005, Uraltrack shipped and exported over 1,014,000,000 RUR worth of produce, the company’s spokesperson said to UrBC representative.

The sales profits coming from civilian goods reached over 933 million RUR: 701 million came from goods exported to the NIS, 322 million from goods exported to other foreign countries, which exceeds the figures for 2005 by 68% and 25%, respectively.

Over 750 million RUR worth of equipment was exported. 344 engineering machines were supplied abroad (an increase of 49.6%), of which 52 were DET bulldozers (13 new DET-320 ones). 7 DET-320 bulldozers and 16 B-10M.6000 with Yaroslavl-made diesel and hydraulic mechanica transmission were exported to Uzbekistan. The bulldozers went to 17 countries (10 NIS ones) altogether.

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