South Ural Mortage Loan Agency sums up its achievements in January 2006

22 February 2006 (09:20)

South Ural Mortage Loan Agency JSC summed up its achievements in January 2006. According to the company’s spokesperson, over 250 people consulted the agency’s specialists in January 2006, 119 of whom passed the crediting committee audit successfully and were admitted as potential borrowers.

The banks which cooperate with the agency provided 40 mortgage loans worth 20 million RUR (cf 26 loans worth 9,877,000 RUR a year earlier). The agency also issued 16 loans worth 6,350,000 RUR and bought 47 mortgage deeds worth 23,900,000 RUR from the banks (cf 20 deeds worth 7,690,000 RUR in January 2005).

The agency invested 53,200,000 RUR in housing construction in January 2006.

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