MMK Launches Digital Railcar Availability Monitoring System

25 June 2019 (09:11)

UrBC, Magnitogorsk, June 25, 2019. A digital system to monitor the availability of railcars has been launched at two sheet-rolling departments at Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK) this month. The system will help track any rolling stock problems and will enhance the efficiency of the shipment process greatly.

According to MMK’s Information, PR & Advertising Department, the sheet-rolling departments now have video surveillance equipment, railcar number recognition software, and appliances to control the direction of the railcars and the amount of cargo inside. The new system has been fully integrated into the plant’s other automated systems.

OOO MMK-Informservice acted as the general contractor for the launch of the railcar availably monitoring system.

The system will also get introduced at the plant’s other sheet-rolling shops in 2019 and 2020.

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