META Sells 1,291,000,000 kg of Scrap Metal in 2015

20 February 2016 (09:26)

UrBC, Yekaterinburg, February 20, 2016. META (a member enterprise of ChTPZ Group) sold 1,291,000,000 kg of scrap metal last year, which was 4% less than in the year 2014. This figure included 718,000,000 kg of the group’s own scrap metal and 573,000,000 kg of transit materials, the company press service reports.

The slight decrease in sales had to do with the market’s overall downward trends (-7% on the year 2014). At the same time, META managed to fully meet Pevouralsk New Pipe Plant’s (a member enterprise of ChTPZ Group) scrap metal needs, even though these rose by 11% (90,000,000 kg) in 2015 against 2014.

The company’s divisions META Perm and Samaravtormet did best last year, with their sales rising by 17% and 3% against the year 2014, respectively.

‘The year 2015 was a challenging one for Russia’s metallurgical industry. Scrap metal companies faced an 8% decline in domestic demand and a 3% one on the export markets. As a result, out output only came to 24,800,000,000 kg of scrap metal last year compared with 26,700,000,000 kg a year earlier,’ says META Director-General Andrei Pavlov.

The company was set up in 2004 and is now one of the country’s top three scrap metal enterprises with a 6.6% share of the home market in 2015. The company’s primary strategic goal is to provide the Group’s pipe-manufacturing enterprises with good quality raw materials.

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