30 May 2006 (09:30) Board of Directors of Asha Metallurgical Works suggests passing a dividend for 2005
30 May 2006 (09:28) Vitaliy Sadovnikov reinstated as General Director of Mayak Production Association
30 May 2006 (09:26) 1.2bn RUR to be invested in Beloyarskaya nuclear power plant in 2006
30 May 2006 (09:24) Representatives of Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant become members of Nova Zinc Supervisory Board
30 May 2006 (09:22) Teyskiy subsidiary of Evrazruda introduces automated control of vehicles and fuel consumption
30 May 2006 (09:20) Chelyabinsk forge-and-press works makes 74.41% less net profit in the first quarter of 2006 against the fourth quarter of 2005
30 May 2006 (09:18) Bank24.ru holds annual meeting on May 26, 2006
30 May 2006 (09:16) Board of Directors of Ural Railroad Machine-Building Works JSC holds a meeting
30 May 2006 (09:14) Chelyabinsk plant of production tools passes a dividend for 2005